A term I think is probably quite rare or unheard of, however the end of the summer months for the past two years have been rather depressing. Nothing major happens to trigger this, (well...maybe last year) but you begin to lose motivation for anything but aimlessly surfing the net, watching films and comedy series', and writing and reading blogs!
Winter blues in my opinion don't exist, because winter is a warm and generous time, whereas in Summer everyone goes home (which tends to be hours away) and all there is to do is work to attempt to earn back the overdraft you've accumulated over the last year, to no avail usually/as of yet. At least here it is anyway, maybe in Bristol it will be different, and we definately won't have four months off for summer!
And on top of the boredom and loneliness you experience in the same four walls everyday, when you do venture out (when financially you really shouldn't) to see friends, as beautiful as it can be, it can also produce the most ridiculous and unbelievable questions to torment your conscience for the time after when you go back home. But that's a rather intimate story that I shan't delve into, because ultimately, it won't work, is pointless considering, and in the early hours of a morning haze you wonder if it really did even happen. Sadly I'm the kind of girl to appreciate any prospect, and ignore the recipe for doom it provokes. (I can deal with that later...right?)
We have less than two months till the start of the third year, which is SCARING me! I was supposed to spend a lot more time preparing this over the summer, but such a lack of creativity, has proved to be the opposite! Oh gahd, I hope some ideas start popping into my head soon.
ANYWAY sorry for that negative update, on the plus side Im going to Falmouth in a week :) Which will be fab.
laters homeos x
I can totally emphathise! Love the new background:)