A term I think is probably quite rare or unheard of, however the end of the summer months for the past two years have been rather depressing. Nothing major happens to trigger this, (well...maybe last year) but you begin to lose motivation for anything but aimlessly surfing the net, watching films and comedy series', and writing and reading blogs!
Winter blues in my opinion don't exist, because winter is a warm and generous time, whereas in Summer everyone goes home (which tends to be hours away) and all there is to do is work to attempt to earn back the overdraft you've accumulated over the last year, to no avail usually/as of yet. At least here it is anyway, maybe in Bristol it will be different, and we definately won't have four months off for summer!
And on top of the boredom and loneliness you experience in the same four walls everyday, when you do venture out (when financially you really shouldn't) to see friends, as beautiful as it can be, it can also produce the most ridiculous and unbelievable questions to torment your conscience for the time after when you go back home. But that's a rather intimate story that I shan't delve into, because ultimately, it won't work, is pointless considering, and in the early hours of a morning haze you wonder if it really did even happen. Sadly I'm the kind of girl to appreciate any prospect, and ignore the recipe for doom it provokes. (I can deal with that later...right?)
We have less than two months till the start of the third year, which is SCARING me! I was supposed to spend a lot more time preparing this over the summer, but such a lack of creativity, has proved to be the opposite! Oh gahd, I hope some ideas start popping into my head soon.
ANYWAY sorry for that negative update, on the plus side Im going to Falmouth in a week :) Which will be fab.
laters homeos x
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Friday, 16 July 2010
'I sit looking at the pages of centaurs trampling the soil of Argos, and outside my window he is trying to become one in a Hampshire field!'
Last night I had travelled back home to attend Equus, a community drama club production being shown in Frome. My good friend Luke Stuart had the lead part of Alan Strang, and I had never seen Luke in a play before as a lead role.
I must be honest and say I had no idea of the plot, I had been told by a few I had a surprise awaiting me. So the play started off, with the other main character of Doctor Dysart, who had many underlying problems that began to emerge as the play went on. Luke played Alan very very strongly, he portrayed a boy who was confused, yet completely submerged in his passion for Horses and Equus, the god that could be found in every horse if you summoned him. The myth was that Equus could make the rider and the animal one, and this is what Alan desired more than anything from a young age. He however, had blinded 3 horses because he felt he had betrayed Equus with a girl who worked at the stables with him. He had been driven to insanity through his desire/belief, and as Alan acts out the events that led up to the incident, he becomes more and more emotional, as surprisingly so does Dysart, who I assumed to be the neutral figure in this story. It turns out Dysart has as many problems as Alan, and becomes highly jealous of him for chasing his dream.
Alan Burgess who plays Dysart, brings such a presence to the stage, he has a friendly, warm voice, and piercing eyes that slowly revealed his troubled conscience. Yet he can turn around when provoked to show his stern, more irritable side.
Stephen Scammell who played the father Frank Strang had a powerful and intimidating voice, which was perfect for the role. He really portrayed an agitated, bottled up character that could explode at any moment. This really kept the audience on the edge of their seats, and you could really empathise with Alan being his son.
Juanita Chedzoy played Dora Strang, the religious mother of Alan. She put across a clear peace-keeper and a classic sensitive, forgiving and yet another character that bottles up her true feelings. She does have a moment where she explodes at Alan, which is inevitable due to the events in the story.
Aynsley Minty who played Nugget, the horse, really got the facial expressions right for the horse, and worked very well with Luke being so passionate towards him.
Everyone who worked on the play had clearly put it a lot of work and devotion to the production, and it really showed.
Luke's version of Alan Strang was so intricate, through the many emotions his character was experiencing, he really indulged himself when Alan had his violent mood swings and painful outbursts, and made a clear difference between decided when to talk to Dysart and not to. Especially the flashbacks from his memory, were also acted out well to show he was a much younger age than at present. Luke was so composed on stage, he had such a strong level of self control through immersing himself into his character, and not making eye contact with certain members of the audience unless required by the scene, which is something I really admire in actors as I can only imagine how hard that must be to pull off!
This was such a great example to watch Luke act professionally, as he showed a range of different emotions and settings, I will definitely consider him for my future film productions as a serious actor. However I would love to see him in a comedy, as I never stop laughing when I am around him.
I would definitely recommend going to watch this if you get the chance, it is a very good play and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I must be honest and say I had no idea of the plot, I had been told by a few I had a surprise awaiting me. So the play started off, with the other main character of Doctor Dysart, who had many underlying problems that began to emerge as the play went on. Luke played Alan very very strongly, he portrayed a boy who was confused, yet completely submerged in his passion for Horses and Equus, the god that could be found in every horse if you summoned him. The myth was that Equus could make the rider and the animal one, and this is what Alan desired more than anything from a young age. He however, had blinded 3 horses because he felt he had betrayed Equus with a girl who worked at the stables with him. He had been driven to insanity through his desire/belief, and as Alan acts out the events that led up to the incident, he becomes more and more emotional, as surprisingly so does Dysart, who I assumed to be the neutral figure in this story. It turns out Dysart has as many problems as Alan, and becomes highly jealous of him for chasing his dream.
Alan Burgess who plays Dysart, brings such a presence to the stage, he has a friendly, warm voice, and piercing eyes that slowly revealed his troubled conscience. Yet he can turn around when provoked to show his stern, more irritable side.
Stephen Scammell who played the father Frank Strang had a powerful and intimidating voice, which was perfect for the role. He really portrayed an agitated, bottled up character that could explode at any moment. This really kept the audience on the edge of their seats, and you could really empathise with Alan being his son.
Juanita Chedzoy played Dora Strang, the religious mother of Alan. She put across a clear peace-keeper and a classic sensitive, forgiving and yet another character that bottles up her true feelings. She does have a moment where she explodes at Alan, which is inevitable due to the events in the story.
Aynsley Minty who played Nugget, the horse, really got the facial expressions right for the horse, and worked very well with Luke being so passionate towards him.
Everyone who worked on the play had clearly put it a lot of work and devotion to the production, and it really showed.
Luke's version of Alan Strang was so intricate, through the many emotions his character was experiencing, he really indulged himself when Alan had his violent mood swings and painful outbursts, and made a clear difference between decided when to talk to Dysart and not to. Especially the flashbacks from his memory, were also acted out well to show he was a much younger age than at present. Luke was so composed on stage, he had such a strong level of self control through immersing himself into his character, and not making eye contact with certain members of the audience unless required by the scene, which is something I really admire in actors as I can only imagine how hard that must be to pull off!
This was such a great example to watch Luke act professionally, as he showed a range of different emotions and settings, I will definitely consider him for my future film productions as a serious actor. However I would love to see him in a comedy, as I never stop laughing when I am around him.
I would definitely recommend going to watch this if you get the chance, it is a very good play and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Word Press...??
What a complicated method of designing :( I dunno how long that one will last, I was inspired by my friend who has just started writing novellas daily on Word Press.
Think I may just stick with straight forward Blogger!
Anyway, the reason for this post, today I got my disposable camera pictures developed :D Thanks to my great house mate who did it for free! One camera was one Ive taken pictures on over the last year, and the other from Glastonbury Festival last week.
So here are a few of the best ones for your consideration. Enjoy!
And the last one :)
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Glastonbury 40th Anniversary bearing a big ol' shiner!

So this year, I was getting pretty darn excited at the prospect of my favourite festival. I made the bad decision of only allowing myself one expensive music gig last year, which I spent on Michael Jackson, and we all know how that turned out, 2 weeks before the day I was meant to see him. It was a long quiet summer last year.
So Monday night, I'm back home, decide to meet up with my good old friend Natalie who I haven't seen for a good few years. She's recently graduated, so I did my best to cheer her up from the graduate year blues! What happened next took her mind off it i'm sure.
We thought it'd be nice to take a stroll to the moat, as it was a nice evening, we sat on the benches for a bit, and then thought we'd go have a play on the swings in the park, not realising it was 9:30 on a monday night, evidently the new saturday night in wells.
So we were swinging away, talking about politics and Nick Clegg going to street, when a beefy brunette girl wanders past. shouting her head off at us, in the wonderfully cliché manner 'Are you looking at me? Why are you looking at me?' She comes right into the park, right infront of us on the swings, and continually asks us backing it up with 'you're effing lesbians/emos/etc etc' and that she'd 'get my mate to come back and sort you out'Of which we naively didn't realise still actually happened. So after lots of staring at disbelief at her, she got bored with our non retaliation and walked of in a very un lady like fashion, continually shouting with a timid looking boy following her like a sheep.
We chuckled at this little incident and continued to swing. Much to our shock, 5 minutes later she brings back 5/6 more girls, one of which is very very lary, aggressive and vicious. Storm right up to us yet again, shouting in our faces what is wrong with us. Obviously we thought its about time to attempt to move on outta there, but they weren't having any of it, they wanted a couple of punchbags to release their anger over a situation that appeared out of thin air.
So we moved a little up the park, coincidentally right under a cctv camera, where they proceeded to pull natalies hair and smack her about, and then swing her into the hedge, still clinging to her scalp. At this point my natural instinct was to step in and pull this chunk of a girl off of her, in doing so, unseen to me, was a perfectly choreographed set-up for her to give me a strong left hook, punch right on the side of my left eye. Which instantly swelled, and due to her ring cutting the skin, began to leak blood down my chest and onto my hand. I freaked out, begged them to stop now, and briskly walked away back towards the moat.
I pulled out my phone to call the police when i neared the gate, not realising they were still following us. When they saw this obviously they started chasing us, and unfortunately caught up with Nat, just as I legged it through an open door of one of the poshest restaurant in wells, where lots of people were eating dinner.
Luckilly there was an off duty nurse and policeman around, who took good care of us and called the police and ambulance, who then took us home. I did actually look like igor the first night! Thom Yorke the second day, and it then faded into a lovely deep colour of purple for the duration of Glastonbury festival.
We got there on weds morning, after a very easy/stress free bus trip from castle-cary station, into gate A, walked straight through the gates with no queues, wonderful.
Then we first felt the heat, and the weight of our bags packed with thick socks, wellies and other unnecessary items for the beautiful weather we were about to endure for 5 days!
Alex's lovely group of friends set up our tent for us, so we got to the top of the pyramid field and crashed out.The day was pretty relaxed, we went shopping for a while, I found an amazing green french military jacket, £20! bargain! and a nice floaty top that looks like a scarf, which went very well together. We then met our good friend Luke for drinks in the now called 'West Holts' (formerly jazz world) field, brothers cider in Glastonbury must be at least 10% !! Three pints and I was gone. I insisted we go to the stone circle, where I met my friend matt, and the new little gay group from strode, all very lovely. We then headed to the Silent Disco, however on the way back, I managed to drop my camera on the way back to the tent, and didn't realise it was gone till the next day. Absolutely gutted, considering Id just spent £20 on a super case for it.
I decided not to let my materialistic side get me down, There were far more important things to enjoy, and I still had a disposable camera :)
Thursday was an exploring day, We went to the healing fields, played some drums, saw a naked woman, climbed the hill on the far side of the festival, used the flush toilets, got my face painted to cover up my black eye...
and at the end of the day I went to see Beardyman, making two new friends on the way, however being the only band on that day, the majority of the festival went to that tent, which took about 30 mins to walk out of! The sound was a bit too ear-piercing as well, very good as usual though.
Friday was exciting, the first day of real Glastonbury. Starting off with a baking hot session with Rolf Harris, so physically fit for his age, very good! I wish he was my grandparent.
I then watched Femi Kuti, who I presumed would be on west holts, alas they bagged the big stage! Those ladies would give shakira a run for her money, they can SHAKE their booties non stop! Awesome band. Beng Beng Beng! :D
Then we searched for shade, and watched a little bit of Corinne Bailey-Rae, who is absolutely stunning and has such a beautiful voice, who vowed she would never sing again after the tragic death of her boyfriend 3 years ago, So so glad she found the strength to return, she was sorely missed.
Then we had a bit of a gap, so decided to check out the John Peeln tent to get there early for Kele, managed to find a tiny square foot of shade to hide in just outside the tent, and I had a great nap listening to the Bombay Bicycle Club. Kele was absolutely great, full of energy and modesty. Really like his new stuff, and was even brave enough to play a medley of bloc party songs.
We then headed over to the other stage, got some food and watched Florence and The Machine, what a voice! And such a crazy lady! Manically giggling when the crowed obeyed her order to jump on cue. We left a little early, to check out the strong rumour of Thom Yorke on the Park stage. Becky (alex's friend) was stewarding on the park gates, and updated alex everytime a celebrity passed through, completely unknown to who Thom Yorke was, I couldnt quite believe she'd chatted to him. The special Guest slot was look extremely exciting. Alex was lovely enough to keep me company, and we got a good spot in the middle of the field infront of the stage, and sure enough, Thom Yorke entered the stage after being introduced by Eavis, played a few of his solo tracks on the piano, and was then joined by Johnny Greenwood to play some radiohead classics. The feeling of everyone surrounding you singing their hearts out with 'For a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself' was enough to make me weep. 7 years id waited for this. Mind-Blowing.
So then we had to power walk it back to the pyramid ready for Gorillaz, who we made in the nick of time. Managed to pick up Lauren on the way, which was excellent, and boy they did not dissapoint the rumours of their guests! Snoop Dogg (however not on Welcome to Plastic Beach!) Lou Reed for Some Kind of Nature, Mark E. Smith (AMAZING) for Glitter Freeze from their new album, and they played older tracks like kids with guns, last living souls, dirty harry, and Dare.
They had Snoop rap on Clint Eastwood as their encore track, which was very entertaining, as he shizzle dizzled all over those lyrics :P!! Very wicked show. Visuals slightly dissapointing as everyone was expecting the previous hologram set up, which must take hours to manufacture, hence the reason it was dropped i'm guessing. The animation videos for every song were cool though!
Saturday! The big day! Started off with meeting my good old friend Josh, who I went to college with 3 years ago. What a lovely boy he is still, we watched the circus acts in the big top till lunch time, then I went for lunch with Luke and tried Kangaroo and Ostrich burgers! Very tasty! then I headed to Seasick Steve on the pyramid, always a great show. Had to leave early for Devendra Banhart, my dream man. Who has sadly chopped all his lovely locks off, and has now taken a more upbeat alt.hipster direction, over his super freak-folk beginning. Both very enjoyable genres, especially when such a yummy man is at the centre of it.
I managed to bump into my good friend Alaric for this gig, who was also alone for the same reasons I was, everyone I knew was unaware of the bliss of the banhart!
After that very enjoyable hour, I headed back to the pyramid to catch the Dead Weather, I am sadly not a fan, but I couldn't not see My beloved and worshipped Jack White when he was only a few fields away! He was looking very lovely and carried the show, even though he is the drummer of this band. Alison Mosshart has apparently taken on a new name, something to add to the list of annoying traits she's picked up while in this band. Ugh, can't stand her. My heart sank when Jack announced a song from their upcoming second album, dear Jack, stop wasting your time, Meg is over her anxieties now, make use of her and return to your roots!
Shakira certainly got me into a better mood again, who had an amazing entrance and played whenever wherever and underneath your clothes first! I lay on the ground looking at the clear blue sky dotted with flags and happily sang along.
I then headed to the Queens head tent to meet my sister and her lovely friends, to get a brilliant spot for Band Of Skulls, Of which was the start of losing my voice. Screaming out their pounding anthems was fantastic fun.
We headed back to the pyramid field then to catch the latter half of Scissor Sisters, who were very good, and had Kylie as a guest, who was great!
And then came Muse. A band I had to sadly sacrifice in 2004 for Orbital (a fair choice I feel.) This time, I had many years of adoration behind me, a lot of unconscious lyric memory to re surface, and 6 years of anticipation to fuel my jumping! They did not dissapoint in any regard. They are stupendous showmen, and ridiculously good musicians. They played so many classic songs, including stockholm syndrome which I used so LOVE back in my adolescence. And then came a great surprize, They played 'the Streets Have No Name' in homage to U2, accompanied by The Edge, who were supposed to headline the night before, before Bono's spinal problems meant they had to pull out. Fantastic version, and a very pleasant surprize. they finished with Knights of Cydonia, and pounded out the last riff before vanishing behind a huge amount of smoke pumped onto the stage. Bloody amazing. Top 5 gigs easily in my book.
On a great high, we decided to attempt to get into Shangri-La and the other little attractions on the outskirts of the site. However were led into a 50 deep gridlocked queue that was part of a one way system that directed you back to where you began on The Common. What a waste of an hour. So we went back to the tent, on the way we had cheese and sweetcorn crepes, which was worth the walk :).
Sunday, last day of musical enjoyment for this year. To begin with, my favourite Paloma Faith was second on the pyramid, who walked out attached to two large white balloons on her shoulders, luckilly the weather was calm, or in her words, she would have been ' somewhere in the air over there' pointing forward!
They even played the widower remix of Do You Want The Truth at the end to inject some energy back into the overheated midday crowd. Very good show.
Then I headed to the lazy old West Holts field with Luke for Tunng, They played bullets as a sound check test on the pyramid on thursday, and luke took a liking to it so i insisted he should accompany me to see them. Awesome band, so summery. And very humble, taking a picture of the crowd to show their mum :) as apparently she had had a long night in shangri-la the previous evening. (a-listers can get in it seems!)
After that, I headed back to rock out on my own to Slash on the pyramid. Very very cool. The singer was great, and then they played sweet child o' mine! What a moment, or ten! And followed by Paradise City! I was feeling very rock and roll stood in the shade of the urinals! Haha!
Then I met lauren again, and suggested we watch Ray Davis, the legendary member of The Kinks. Who played lots of great kinks songs, includnig my favourites You really got me and All of the day and All of the night! Brilliant! Had a full choir to back him up as well which added such power! And also sang Sunny Afternoon very aptly! <3>

So Monday night, I'm back home, decide to meet up with my good old friend Natalie who I haven't seen for a good few years. She's recently graduated, so I did my best to cheer her up from the graduate year blues! What happened next took her mind off it i'm sure.
We thought it'd be nice to take a stroll to the moat, as it was a nice evening, we sat on the benches for a bit, and then thought we'd go have a play on the swings in the park, not realising it was 9:30 on a monday night, evidently the new saturday night in wells.
So we were swinging away, talking about politics and Nick Clegg going to street, when a beefy brunette girl wanders past. shouting her head off at us, in the wonderfully cliché manner 'Are you looking at me? Why are you looking at me?' She comes right into the park, right infront of us on the swings, and continually asks us backing it up with 'you're effing lesbians/emos/etc etc' and that she'd 'get my mate to come back and sort you out'Of which we naively didn't realise still actually happened. So after lots of staring at disbelief at her, she got bored with our non retaliation and walked of in a very un lady like fashion, continually shouting with a timid looking boy following her like a sheep.
We chuckled at this little incident and continued to swing. Much to our shock, 5 minutes later she brings back 5/6 more girls, one of which is very very lary, aggressive and vicious. Storm right up to us yet again, shouting in our faces what is wrong with us. Obviously we thought its about time to attempt to move on outta there, but they weren't having any of it, they wanted a couple of punchbags to release their anger over a situation that appeared out of thin air.
So we moved a little up the park, coincidentally right under a cctv camera, where they proceeded to pull natalies hair and smack her about, and then swing her into the hedge, still clinging to her scalp. At this point my natural instinct was to step in and pull this chunk of a girl off of her, in doing so, unseen to me, was a perfectly choreographed set-up for her to give me a strong left hook, punch right on the side of my left eye. Which instantly swelled, and due to her ring cutting the skin, began to leak blood down my chest and onto my hand. I freaked out, begged them to stop now, and briskly walked away back towards the moat.
I pulled out my phone to call the police when i neared the gate, not realising they were still following us. When they saw this obviously they started chasing us, and unfortunately caught up with Nat, just as I legged it through an open door of one of the poshest restaurant in wells, where lots of people were eating dinner.
Luckilly there was an off duty nurse and policeman around, who took good care of us and called the police and ambulance, who then took us home. I did actually look like igor the first night! Thom Yorke the second day, and it then faded into a lovely deep colour of purple for the duration of Glastonbury festival.
We got there on weds morning, after a very easy/stress free bus trip from castle-cary station, into gate A, walked straight through the gates with no queues, wonderful.
Then we first felt the heat, and the weight of our bags packed with thick socks, wellies and other unnecessary items for the beautiful weather we were about to endure for 5 days!
Alex's lovely group of friends set up our tent for us, so we got to the top of the pyramid field and crashed out.The day was pretty relaxed, we went shopping for a while, I found an amazing green french military jacket, £20! bargain! and a nice floaty top that looks like a scarf, which went very well together. We then met our good friend Luke for drinks in the now called 'West Holts' (formerly jazz world) field, brothers cider in Glastonbury must be at least 10% !! Three pints and I was gone. I insisted we go to the stone circle, where I met my friend matt, and the new little gay group from strode, all very lovely. We then headed to the Silent Disco, however on the way back, I managed to drop my camera on the way back to the tent, and didn't realise it was gone till the next day. Absolutely gutted, considering Id just spent £20 on a super case for it.
I decided not to let my materialistic side get me down, There were far more important things to enjoy, and I still had a disposable camera :)
Thursday was an exploring day, We went to the healing fields, played some drums, saw a naked woman, climbed the hill on the far side of the festival, used the flush toilets, got my face painted to cover up my black eye...

and at the end of the day I went to see Beardyman, making two new friends on the way, however being the only band on that day, the majority of the festival went to that tent, which took about 30 mins to walk out of! The sound was a bit too ear-piercing as well, very good as usual though.
Friday was exciting, the first day of real Glastonbury. Starting off with a baking hot session with Rolf Harris, so physically fit for his age, very good! I wish he was my grandparent.
I then watched Femi Kuti, who I presumed would be on west holts, alas they bagged the big stage! Those ladies would give shakira a run for her money, they can SHAKE their booties non stop! Awesome band. Beng Beng Beng! :D
Then we searched for shade, and watched a little bit of Corinne Bailey-Rae, who is absolutely stunning and has such a beautiful voice, who vowed she would never sing again after the tragic death of her boyfriend 3 years ago, So so glad she found the strength to return, she was sorely missed.
Then we had a bit of a gap, so decided to check out the John Peeln tent to get there early for Kele, managed to find a tiny square foot of shade to hide in just outside the tent, and I had a great nap listening to the Bombay Bicycle Club. Kele was absolutely great, full of energy and modesty. Really like his new stuff, and was even brave enough to play a medley of bloc party songs.
We then headed over to the other stage, got some food and watched Florence and The Machine, what a voice! And such a crazy lady! Manically giggling when the crowed obeyed her order to jump on cue. We left a little early, to check out the strong rumour of Thom Yorke on the Park stage. Becky (alex's friend) was stewarding on the park gates, and updated alex everytime a celebrity passed through, completely unknown to who Thom Yorke was, I couldnt quite believe she'd chatted to him. The special Guest slot was look extremely exciting. Alex was lovely enough to keep me company, and we got a good spot in the middle of the field infront of the stage, and sure enough, Thom Yorke entered the stage after being introduced by Eavis, played a few of his solo tracks on the piano, and was then joined by Johnny Greenwood to play some radiohead classics. The feeling of everyone surrounding you singing their hearts out with 'For a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself' was enough to make me weep. 7 years id waited for this. Mind-Blowing.
So then we had to power walk it back to the pyramid ready for Gorillaz, who we made in the nick of time. Managed to pick up Lauren on the way, which was excellent, and boy they did not dissapoint the rumours of their guests! Snoop Dogg (however not on Welcome to Plastic Beach!) Lou Reed for Some Kind of Nature, Mark E. Smith (AMAZING) for Glitter Freeze from their new album, and they played older tracks like kids with guns, last living souls, dirty harry, and Dare.
They had Snoop rap on Clint Eastwood as their encore track, which was very entertaining, as he shizzle dizzled all over those lyrics :P!! Very wicked show. Visuals slightly dissapointing as everyone was expecting the previous hologram set up, which must take hours to manufacture, hence the reason it was dropped i'm guessing. The animation videos for every song were cool though!
Saturday! The big day! Started off with meeting my good old friend Josh, who I went to college with 3 years ago. What a lovely boy he is still, we watched the circus acts in the big top till lunch time, then I went for lunch with Luke and tried Kangaroo and Ostrich burgers! Very tasty! then I headed to Seasick Steve on the pyramid, always a great show. Had to leave early for Devendra Banhart, my dream man. Who has sadly chopped all his lovely locks off, and has now taken a more upbeat alt.hipster direction, over his super freak-folk beginning. Both very enjoyable genres, especially when such a yummy man is at the centre of it.
I managed to bump into my good friend Alaric for this gig, who was also alone for the same reasons I was, everyone I knew was unaware of the bliss of the banhart!
After that very enjoyable hour, I headed back to the pyramid to catch the Dead Weather, I am sadly not a fan, but I couldn't not see My beloved and worshipped Jack White when he was only a few fields away! He was looking very lovely and carried the show, even though he is the drummer of this band. Alison Mosshart has apparently taken on a new name, something to add to the list of annoying traits she's picked up while in this band. Ugh, can't stand her. My heart sank when Jack announced a song from their upcoming second album, dear Jack, stop wasting your time, Meg is over her anxieties now, make use of her and return to your roots!
Shakira certainly got me into a better mood again, who had an amazing entrance and played whenever wherever and underneath your clothes first! I lay on the ground looking at the clear blue sky dotted with flags and happily sang along.
I then headed to the Queens head tent to meet my sister and her lovely friends, to get a brilliant spot for Band Of Skulls, Of which was the start of losing my voice. Screaming out their pounding anthems was fantastic fun.
We headed back to the pyramid field then to catch the latter half of Scissor Sisters, who were very good, and had Kylie as a guest, who was great!
And then came Muse. A band I had to sadly sacrifice in 2004 for Orbital (a fair choice I feel.) This time, I had many years of adoration behind me, a lot of unconscious lyric memory to re surface, and 6 years of anticipation to fuel my jumping! They did not dissapoint in any regard. They are stupendous showmen, and ridiculously good musicians. They played so many classic songs, including stockholm syndrome which I used so LOVE back in my adolescence. And then came a great surprize, They played 'the Streets Have No Name' in homage to U2, accompanied by The Edge, who were supposed to headline the night before, before Bono's spinal problems meant they had to pull out. Fantastic version, and a very pleasant surprize. they finished with Knights of Cydonia, and pounded out the last riff before vanishing behind a huge amount of smoke pumped onto the stage. Bloody amazing. Top 5 gigs easily in my book.
On a great high, we decided to attempt to get into Shangri-La and the other little attractions on the outskirts of the site. However were led into a 50 deep gridlocked queue that was part of a one way system that directed you back to where you began on The Common. What a waste of an hour. So we went back to the tent, on the way we had cheese and sweetcorn crepes, which was worth the walk :).
Sunday, last day of musical enjoyment for this year. To begin with, my favourite Paloma Faith was second on the pyramid, who walked out attached to two large white balloons on her shoulders, luckilly the weather was calm, or in her words, she would have been ' somewhere in the air over there' pointing forward!
They even played the widower remix of Do You Want The Truth at the end to inject some energy back into the overheated midday crowd. Very good show.
Then I headed to the lazy old West Holts field with Luke for Tunng, They played bullets as a sound check test on the pyramid on thursday, and luke took a liking to it so i insisted he should accompany me to see them. Awesome band, so summery. And very humble, taking a picture of the crowd to show their mum :) as apparently she had had a long night in shangri-la the previous evening. (a-listers can get in it seems!)
After that, I headed back to rock out on my own to Slash on the pyramid. Very very cool. The singer was great, and then they played sweet child o' mine! What a moment, or ten! And followed by Paradise City! I was feeling very rock and roll stood in the shade of the urinals! Haha!
Then I met lauren again, and suggested we watch Ray Davis, the legendary member of The Kinks. Who played lots of great kinks songs, includnig my favourites You really got me and All of the day and All of the night! Brilliant! Had a full choir to back him up as well which added such power! And also sang Sunny Afternoon very aptly! <3>
Here's some pics I took (before I lost my digital cam, and on my phone, and disposable cam!) and some from Alex Sinclair :

Saturday, 19 June 2010
Good Summer Vibrations.
Glasto count...3 Days.
I.actually.cannot.wait. I'm even slightly nervous, its quite an environment that needs adjusting to, especially when I've had a (regrettable) year's gap from it.
Sitting in my room now, with nothing bothering me, the sun out, and a decent sound system, makes me so excited for the atmosphere of being outdoors, in a field, dirty clothed and knackered, hopefully with a friend or two next to me, closing my eyes, and feeling the music vibrate in my lungs. This is what I paid £200 for. And it's worth every penny.
I will however be missing Orbital this year for the Legend that is Stevie Wonder, as I feel its a one-in-a-lifetime chance, and I would love some soul music to finish the festival. Which will make a change to the sunday night techno trend, it will be sorely missed, but I would also miss my dad a lot if I were there as he loves it too.
Who knows...I may get a sudden injection of energy and leg it to the other stage to catch the end... :P
I am also excited to see the beautiful man that is Devendra Banhart, the awesomeness that is Band Of Skulls <3>
I hope I don't require sleep so much this year. that'd be nice...
Anyway, I will be back on a downer, so be prepared. Oh my god I am so good for this festival. Absolute rapture.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Summer Begins..
however I feel the summer too will too FLY by. I have some exciting prospects though,
- Glastonbury is in 24 days, wow..
- I may be on board with the guys-that-have-left's new film that they're going to do in August..:D
- 4 months of essentially no uni work!
But things I should do:
- Start reading for my dissertation (...where to begin :S)
- email my script to the script guy from college, get back into the mindset of it, decide if its worth doing anything with and finishing it..
- get some storyboards in order to make some videos for fun/practise in the summer.
- try and organise the third year to put my mind at test for the time being.
as well as trying to earn lots of money for my overdraft :P Tesco is GAY!
From this film, I've definately come to understand certain peoples working personalities and where their enthusiasm lies. So as much as I love this person as a friend, I will avoid working with him on drama's on the future.
BUT I am SO EXCITED to have the potential opportunity to work on a film with the good guys, see how they work etc, they're who I look up to, and I would love to take note on their good practice :)
Right, thought I was going home tomorrow, but one ill be bored out of my mind when I get there,
I have stuff to do here, and Benny said hes gonna pop in on Monday, and I wanna see Tobias too, so ill probs go back monday afternoon.
Sorted. Now to pray all the dvds fucking work. UGH! Write soon blogmeister X
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Awake with Anticipation.
So I feel like blogging, in the last hour of this day, listening to Strobe by Deadmau5. I haven't written in a while and felt like its time to catch up.
So Its been hectic, the past few months, filming the major (loved every second), winging other less interesting assignments last minute, and now eager to get the next three weeks out of the way with relative ease, hah. If only.
I have to make a website in Flash, which is scaring the bejesus out of me currently, as I have no idea or motivation to begin.
Its also 21 days until im 21. Ironic that. Scary though, now literally nothing can stop me, I will officially be an adult, no getting around that anymore. Damn.
Other than that, I'm beginning to think about the third year, and the time after that. This time next year, I shall probably become an insomniac worrying if ill have the strength and courage to chase my dream for real, in the big mean ol' world. With people like my old house mate though, I feel I have a shot. Enthusiasm and persistence is the key, we're constantly told, putting those two into practise is another thing. The daunting reality that i'll probably be working in tesco for 80% of my life for the year 2011/12 is very depressing. I vaguely remember my gap year, and how I progressively felt more and more intellectually lacking. I feel that now as it is, and I'm in education. God. Time to change that then.
I have also made the acknowledgement that I am a bit addicted to facebook, checking it every ten minutes. This is not healthy or practical at all, so for my third year, I will be getting my password changed, and will refrain from using it until all my work is completed. and read fucking books instead. I disgust myself with how much time I waste on that bloody site. So I'm going to say fuck you to facebook for a year, and read books, make films, and watch films, and maybe blog a bit to vent...
I bet it'll be like tv, won't even miss it.
A productive day is in order tomorrow, I have had a weekend break and I feel refreshed and ready to nail the second year, I just pray ill reach the 60.
On a lighter note...apparently Britney wrote Telephone...I'm unsure whether to believe this or not. I'm slightly dissapointed, I love that song. lol.
Peace out kids, I'll be back when my summer of reading, working, and practising with a camera begins... XXX
Thursday, 25 February 2010
So I've become a little obsessed with one of my favourite Childhood films recently, a b-movie from the 80's, Return To Oz.
So much so I have considered re-writing a modernised version of it, but then decided it would be one. too depressing and two. not very original. I also managed to get hold of a decent copy of the soundtrack, which is currently on amazon for around £50, which was ace. Its so moving and creepy at times, I adore it.
One of my favourite scenes is at the start of the film where Dorothy finds the Oz key on the ground with the chickens. She gets really excited and tries to show Aunt Em but shes not interested. I always wished I could find a key somewhere like that when I was little. So then I have the brainwave to get a tattoo of it around my ankle, much like Belina the Chicken wears at the end of the film around her neck, on a green ribbon. A symbol of escapism that is always there for me.
I went to the tattoo shop in weymouth, but then wanted around £70 for it, and that was without the anklet. Which was absurd, so I found out the guy that did my last tattoos has recently moved to Street and I went and got it done by his very new apprentice Kye (who was astonishingly good considering hes been tattooing for just three months!) And he offered to do it for a much more reasonable £45. So I went ahead, not really taking into consideration the foot is one of the most painful places to have one. The pain was excrutiating at times but I persevered, I'd come this far. It took around 40 mins to complete, lots of clenching and shaking but I was very impressed with the work, and luckily he had gotten the key the right way around so the symbol at the top of the key spelled "OZ".
I'm well pleased with it, and content with the fact I'm probably the only person that will see it for now, but I can't wait to run along the sand with it in the summer and receive (I hope) lots of suprized comments!
Heres a pic, hope you like it!
So much so I have considered re-writing a modernised version of it, but then decided it would be one. too depressing and two. not very original. I also managed to get hold of a decent copy of the soundtrack, which is currently on amazon for around £50, which was ace. Its so moving and creepy at times, I adore it.
One of my favourite scenes is at the start of the film where Dorothy finds the Oz key on the ground with the chickens. She gets really excited and tries to show Aunt Em but shes not interested. I always wished I could find a key somewhere like that when I was little. So then I have the brainwave to get a tattoo of it around my ankle, much like Belina the Chicken wears at the end of the film around her neck, on a green ribbon. A symbol of escapism that is always there for me.
I went to the tattoo shop in weymouth, but then wanted around £70 for it, and that was without the anklet. Which was absurd, so I found out the guy that did my last tattoos has recently moved to Street and I went and got it done by his very new apprentice Kye (who was astonishingly good considering hes been tattooing for just three months!) And he offered to do it for a much more reasonable £45. So I went ahead, not really taking into consideration the foot is one of the most painful places to have one. The pain was excrutiating at times but I persevered, I'd come this far. It took around 40 mins to complete, lots of clenching and shaking but I was very impressed with the work, and luckily he had gotten the key the right way around so the symbol at the top of the key spelled "OZ".
I'm well pleased with it, and content with the fact I'm probably the only person that will see it for now, but I can't wait to run along the sand with it in the summer and receive (I hope) lots of suprized comments!
Heres a pic, hope you like it!
Monday, 15 February 2010
My name is Salmon, Like the fish, First name Suzie.
So after a year and a half of finding out about this gorgeous story, I finally sat down to 'The Lovely Bones', based on the book by Alice Sebold. I was told about this in my first year, and me and my housemates were excitedly anticipating its release for some time, only having to wait even longer for it to come out. I decided to read the book before the film, something i rarely manage to do, but this time i surprised myself, and stormed through it in a record time (for me!) I couldn't put it down, and the intrigue after reading the first couple of pages, in which the story had been laid out, i wondered what more was included in the story. I'd love to read it a second time to refresh my memory.
I have been a great fan of Peter Jackson since The Lord Of The Rings which i fell in love with in my early teens, and is still unbeaten by any film in my personal opinion. I knew that where Jackson stood now, and the team he had behind him, he would create a beautiful interpretation of this film; and he didn't dissapoint. The visuals of the memories, the metaphors and visions of her heaven were stunning, and subtle at the same time. You really felt for Suzie while she was in the 'inbetween' which is what the story was all about. Lots of tear-jerking points throughout the film, and of course i knew the end twist would get me bad, out of pure happiness for her.
I have heard some dissapointed, and let-down reviews of this film from a few friends, and so i was also annoyingly switched-on to look out for these bits and make my own opinion of it, but i think having read the book helped a lot. The reasons behind the characters actions aren't abundantly clear, but if you concentrate you can see why they act the way they do.
Other than that, i think the film flowed well, the murderer was just as sinister as in the book, and Ray wasn't overly mushy like a new Robert Pattinson. Just the right amount of lovey-dovey scenes to pay respect to the story. I loved Mark Wahlberg as the dad, and the relationships between the family were portrayed well, especially considering so much of the background explained in the story could not be shown.
I only wish some more of the events in the book could have been included, but as ever this will never be possible to achieve in a standard 2.5 hour film.
Over all, worth the wait in my opinion, i am very tempted to go and watch it in the cinema again (when it FINALLY gets to the south coast!) and i thoroughly enjoyed every painful and beautiful moment. Good Work Peter Jackson!
HG rating: 9/10 stars
I have been a great fan of Peter Jackson since The Lord Of The Rings which i fell in love with in my early teens, and is still unbeaten by any film in my personal opinion. I knew that where Jackson stood now, and the team he had behind him, he would create a beautiful interpretation of this film; and he didn't dissapoint. The visuals of the memories, the metaphors and visions of her heaven were stunning, and subtle at the same time. You really felt for Suzie while she was in the 'inbetween' which is what the story was all about. Lots of tear-jerking points throughout the film, and of course i knew the end twist would get me bad, out of pure happiness for her.
I have heard some dissapointed, and let-down reviews of this film from a few friends, and so i was also annoyingly switched-on to look out for these bits and make my own opinion of it, but i think having read the book helped a lot. The reasons behind the characters actions aren't abundantly clear, but if you concentrate you can see why they act the way they do.
Other than that, i think the film flowed well, the murderer was just as sinister as in the book, and Ray wasn't overly mushy like a new Robert Pattinson. Just the right amount of lovey-dovey scenes to pay respect to the story. I loved Mark Wahlberg as the dad, and the relationships between the family were portrayed well, especially considering so much of the background explained in the story could not be shown.
I only wish some more of the events in the book could have been included, but as ever this will never be possible to achieve in a standard 2.5 hour film.
Over all, worth the wait in my opinion, i am very tempted to go and watch it in the cinema again (when it FINALLY gets to the south coast!) and i thoroughly enjoyed every painful and beautiful moment. Good Work Peter Jackson!
HG rating: 9/10 stars
Monday, 25 January 2010
"Help! I Need Somebody"
One thing I have learnt in the last weekend, is that breaking friendships at this age feels like ending a relationship. I feel angry, that I haven't been understood, and that i am expected to be in the wrong when i know im not (I admit we didnt really go the right way about confronting it but thats not to say my point is wrong.)
The last time i can remember falling out with a friend was back in school, with my very long term best friend Lauren, and that was a petty thing that was solved overnight by posting a cute pink letter through the door with an apology and a proposal of a dog walk after the simpsons.
If only things were that easy now.
I have also come to learn that mental illnesses are much out of my comprehension, I don't think i will ever fully understand the clutches it has on a victim, as I have never had the experience.
So as selfish as it sounds, through my lack of knowledge I am completely unable to feel the necessity to immerse myself into caring for a friend. Caring as in the term of the person being completely reliant on me/us as her only source of socialism, and the potential of me having to put my life on hold at this crutial point of my life.
The future plans we had together would have inevitably ended up in this situation and would have pushed us all away in the end.
So im kinda glad its all being brought up now, as hard as it is, it was going to happen sooner or later. I just hope I can still salvage some kind of friendship from this ordeal.
The last time i can remember falling out with a friend was back in school, with my very long term best friend Lauren, and that was a petty thing that was solved overnight by posting a cute pink letter through the door with an apology and a proposal of a dog walk after the simpsons.
If only things were that easy now.
I have also come to learn that mental illnesses are much out of my comprehension, I don't think i will ever fully understand the clutches it has on a victim, as I have never had the experience.
So as selfish as it sounds, through my lack of knowledge I am completely unable to feel the necessity to immerse myself into caring for a friend. Caring as in the term of the person being completely reliant on me/us as her only source of socialism, and the potential of me having to put my life on hold at this crutial point of my life.
The future plans we had together would have inevitably ended up in this situation and would have pushed us all away in the end.
So im kinda glad its all being brought up now, as hard as it is, it was going to happen sooner or later. I just hope I can still salvage some kind of friendship from this ordeal.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Wristcutters (a weird story)
So I just watched a film id been recommended by a friend in my class, who very vaguely filled me in on what it was about so i thought id give it a go.
So it starts off very nicely, Average character, cleaning his room, when bam, lets go to the sink and slit my wrists and die on the floor looking at some bum fluff....ok....ill roll with this.
So he turns up in a weird limbo world where people who have commited suicidal deaths go, and its all very grey, identical to earth but not as full of life, or colourful, or entertaining, and here its a given thing that no one smiles.
He meets (who i swear is based on the lead singer of Gogol Bordello) A Russian guitarist, who he starts riding around in a proper tin box car with to find Desiree, his former love, and the reason he 'offed' himself' (after finding out from some random dude that she also topped herself soon after him.)
They bump into a girl hitchiking on the side of the road, and Eugene (hutz) loves it and picks her up immediately. So they drive endlessly on, where they bump into Tom Waits in some cult group place, and decide to stay there, where gogol bordello guy falls in love with some weird mute woman who sings wierdly with throat noises......anyway,
so then they find out from one of the cult members, that a guy is doing an 'act' the next day, which they have to attend. But Zia (main guy) and Mikal (hitchiker girl) end up getting jiggy on the beach and sleeping on a prostitute spot ontop of needles and condoms. (...ok)
So they get to this gathering, and this guy claims he can get back to the living world and tell them all about this limbo land they can come to, so he stabs himself, and then all the 'people in charge' all dressed in white suits, come and break up the crowds and take everyone away...Mikal goes off with a white person in a tiny van and says to Zia she'll be back in 5, more like 5 days, as she ends up returning home as she was there from overdosing which counts as a 'mistake' (and somehow gogol bordello guy knew this...)
So obviously, she commits actual intentional suicide again to be legit in this place, cause she realises she loved Zia. Zia did eventually findn Desiree btw, but she was completely indoctrinated by this crazy prophet guy who stabbed himself, so shes a bit of a weirdo now (and a SHIT actress) and is out of the picture by the end of the last scene. So Zia runs around in the car looking for Mikal, who coisidently just goes through what looks like customs, back into this limo world.
Oh and also another weird point of this film theres a black hole under the passenger seat, which he decides to fall down, turns out thats the void that takes you back to earth, and he wakes up in a hospital next to a bed where Mikal is laying.
I think it looks like something i'd make next year when I have the assets of equipment and actors like that...considering it came from a novella, I kinda wanna read it now.
There was something missing from it, which is how I felt at the end of Rebel Tribe ( the major I made last year, eventhough that was really confused for several other reasons which werent wholly my fault) in the words of rob, 'it didnt have a clear meaning/didn't really go anywhere' i disagree with the second half, but i agree something more was needed..
I like how it looked, some amazing sky shots in there, I like the concept, as its so simple and I wouldnt have thought it could work like that, but it did, i like how charming the story line was, and i liked the characters, as weird as they all were.
I also loved that Tom Waits was in it.
Over all, I like, in between a 2 and a 3 star film. would see it again, am not blown away, but intrigued.
So it starts off very nicely, Average character, cleaning his room, when bam, lets go to the sink and slit my wrists and die on the floor looking at some bum fluff....ok....ill roll with this.
So he turns up in a weird limbo world where people who have commited suicidal deaths go, and its all very grey, identical to earth but not as full of life, or colourful, or entertaining, and here its a given thing that no one smiles.
He meets (who i swear is based on the lead singer of Gogol Bordello) A Russian guitarist, who he starts riding around in a proper tin box car with to find Desiree, his former love, and the reason he 'offed' himself' (after finding out from some random dude that she also topped herself soon after him.)
They bump into a girl hitchiking on the side of the road, and Eugene (hutz) loves it and picks her up immediately. So they drive endlessly on, where they bump into Tom Waits in some cult group place, and decide to stay there, where gogol bordello guy falls in love with some weird mute woman who sings wierdly with throat noises......anyway,
so then they find out from one of the cult members, that a guy is doing an 'act' the next day, which they have to attend. But Zia (main guy) and Mikal (hitchiker girl) end up getting jiggy on the beach and sleeping on a prostitute spot ontop of needles and condoms. (...ok)
So they get to this gathering, and this guy claims he can get back to the living world and tell them all about this limbo land they can come to, so he stabs himself, and then all the 'people in charge' all dressed in white suits, come and break up the crowds and take everyone away...Mikal goes off with a white person in a tiny van and says to Zia she'll be back in 5, more like 5 days, as she ends up returning home as she was there from overdosing which counts as a 'mistake' (and somehow gogol bordello guy knew this...)
So obviously, she commits actual intentional suicide again to be legit in this place, cause she realises she loved Zia. Zia did eventually findn Desiree btw, but she was completely indoctrinated by this crazy prophet guy who stabbed himself, so shes a bit of a weirdo now (and a SHIT actress) and is out of the picture by the end of the last scene. So Zia runs around in the car looking for Mikal, who coisidently just goes through what looks like customs, back into this limo world.
Oh and also another weird point of this film theres a black hole under the passenger seat, which he decides to fall down, turns out thats the void that takes you back to earth, and he wakes up in a hospital next to a bed where Mikal is laying.
I think it looks like something i'd make next year when I have the assets of equipment and actors like that...considering it came from a novella, I kinda wanna read it now.
There was something missing from it, which is how I felt at the end of Rebel Tribe ( the major I made last year, eventhough that was really confused for several other reasons which werent wholly my fault) in the words of rob, 'it didnt have a clear meaning/didn't really go anywhere' i disagree with the second half, but i agree something more was needed..
I like how it looked, some amazing sky shots in there, I like the concept, as its so simple and I wouldnt have thought it could work like that, but it did, i like how charming the story line was, and i liked the characters, as weird as they all were.
I also loved that Tom Waits was in it.
Over all, I like, in between a 2 and a 3 star film. would see it again, am not blown away, but intrigued.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
'Frozen Britain' (or not so frozen britain)
Just got back from our Cambridge adventure, went up to interview Tobias' Friends as they work for Jagex and would have valid opinions on our documentaries subject matter. Was really awesome, they were lovely, was a long drive up though, about four hours. >_<
We then picked up Dominika and went to Tobias' Dad's horse ranch, which was very nice but COLDDDD as their central heating had broken!!! We watched The Rutles (a parody film about the beatles) and then went to bed.
We woke up this morning to extremely heavy snow, as you can see below, which is what we had to drive through for the first hour till we reached the duel carriageways and motorways!!!

We made it back though, and in good time thanks to Mr. Asman. So yeah, just thought i'd give that little update, felt more exciting than I have written here haha. We also made some funny podcasts in the service station eating burger king which is entertaining, not sure if ryan's doing anything with them though.
Now for a whole day of getting flash sorted...arghhh >_<
Update soon!
Love Manda x x x
We then picked up Dominika and went to Tobias' Dad's horse ranch, which was very nice but COLDDDD as their central heating had broken!!! We watched The Rutles (a parody film about the beatles) and then went to bed.
We woke up this morning to extremely heavy snow, as you can see below, which is what we had to drive through for the first hour till we reached the duel carriageways and motorways!!!
We made it back though, and in good time thanks to Mr. Asman. So yeah, just thought i'd give that little update, felt more exciting than I have written here haha. We also made some funny podcasts in the service station eating burger king which is entertaining, not sure if ryan's doing anything with them though.
Now for a whole day of getting flash sorted...arghhh >_<
Update soon!
Love Manda x x x
Friday, 1 January 2010
Everything's Gonna Be Cool This Christmas
Howdy, I've just returned to Weymouth, and decided writing my blog is the priority to unpacking my ridiculous amount of luggage.
So where to begin, I got back on sunday, when the snow began to fall,

me and becky went for a walk up to wells and found a rather odd sight...
Becky reckoned it was the 'buddha man' who walks around wells with no shoes, ever, and is banned from most of the shops because of this. Weird.
Monday morning woke up with a sore throat, never good, and I knew that a long and troublesome cough was coming for my christmas holiday.
The next event was on Wednesday, Daddy set off to London to deliver the mirrors he'd spent the last three weeks making in time for Xmas. It was freezing conditions when he left, but he said it'd be fine. He apparently got to Salisbury Plains, where it began to rain in the morning, unfortunately it was too cold for the rain to melt as it hit the ice, which inevitably created more ice, black ice. My dad said it froze as it hit the windscreen, and as he was pondering this, the van started to skid as he trundled along the long road at some 50mph.
He then hit the bank on the side of the road, and skidded along the bumpy surface for about 20 yards, the force of the speed of the van meant that when he hit a big bump in the bank, it was enough force to push the vehicle back onto the road, and slide it around the opposite way on the road. Luckilly the road was quiet with nothing coming that way, otherwise that would have been a head on crash. So he pulled into a layby and checked the damage, no wing mirror on his side, a big dent in the side, and 4 big mirrors smashed to smithereens, including an original antique one. And he came out of it with a broken finger nail, literally. The irony or the amount of mirrors broken must have broken the old wives tale as he was VERY lucky, this accident could have been far, far worse, two days before Christmas. >_< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgA29PtBQylRpCfcrNR2okLm91sBzYUWNJ9beGih-aAxJz_d8qRXnFyglNN29Mk5K8rT-Pv4pZsKMldYMUx3f59xOCF0OwmTtVZoS2v8EHKcK53h6RS2YVRtxlV7NBjEHxQxXsjOqydV24/s1600-h/100_2223.JPG">
Despite this, wednesday evening was very lovely, I organised a meal for my friends at home, which was lots of laughs and lovely presents being exchanged, from a belly dancing kit, to a sky lantern. :-D Lovely, here's a pic from this evening

So Christmas came around, I got many lovely things, including a Wii which is something I really wanted, and Wiifit so I now have no excuse for not excersizing now!
Got a raving rabbids game as well, which has a game that you can control by sitting on the wiifit board and using your bum to move! haha! Lots of fun.
And Joe got my laptop, I think he was rather excited!

Also finally got round to developing my black and white pics from summer at disneyland :-) Luckilly I got quite a few of them come out after having dad's clunky Practika camera's back opening when it liked, which is not helpful. So two of my reels were half wiped, but I managed to get one whole reel of 36 pics which I was impressed with :-) Here's my favourite pic
Saw the Grandparents, my cousin mike, my auntie ruth and uncle rob, and my cousin matt, who I rarely see, which was cool.
Was going to go to Bristol to Phil and Ed's house for New Years, but two days before decided I would be far too ill to handle partying with the boys and coughing my lungs up over them. So I decided to opt for the Laurel and Hardy, followed by Jools Holland's Hootenanny option. With which I was treated with seeing out the year with my current love, Paolo Nutini <3>_<)
And then retired to the attic for the last night.
now to unpack....oh gahd.
Good to be back in the house though :-)
So where to begin, I got back on sunday, when the snow began to fall,
me and becky went for a walk up to wells and found a rather odd sight...
Monday morning woke up with a sore throat, never good, and I knew that a long and troublesome cough was coming for my christmas holiday.
The next event was on Wednesday, Daddy set off to London to deliver the mirrors he'd spent the last three weeks making in time for Xmas. It was freezing conditions when he left, but he said it'd be fine. He apparently got to Salisbury Plains, where it began to rain in the morning, unfortunately it was too cold for the rain to melt as it hit the ice, which inevitably created more ice, black ice. My dad said it froze as it hit the windscreen, and as he was pondering this, the van started to skid as he trundled along the long road at some 50mph.
He then hit the bank on the side of the road, and skidded along the bumpy surface for about 20 yards, the force of the speed of the van meant that when he hit a big bump in the bank, it was enough force to push the vehicle back onto the road, and slide it around the opposite way on the road. Luckilly the road was quiet with nothing coming that way, otherwise that would have been a head on crash. So he pulled into a layby and checked the damage, no wing mirror on his side, a big dent in the side, and 4 big mirrors smashed to smithereens, including an original antique one. And he came out of it with a broken finger nail, literally. The irony or the amount of mirrors broken must have broken the old wives tale as he was VERY lucky, this accident could have been far, far worse, two days before Christmas. >_< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgA29PtBQylRpCfcrNR2okLm91sBzYUWNJ9beGih-aAxJz_d8qRXnFyglNN29Mk5K8rT-Pv4pZsKMldYMUx3f59xOCF0OwmTtVZoS2v8EHKcK53h6RS2YVRtxlV7NBjEHxQxXsjOqydV24/s1600-h/100_2223.JPG">
Despite this, wednesday evening was very lovely, I organised a meal for my friends at home, which was lots of laughs and lovely presents being exchanged, from a belly dancing kit, to a sky lantern. :-D Lovely, here's a pic from this evening
So Christmas came around, I got many lovely things, including a Wii which is something I really wanted, and Wiifit so I now have no excuse for not excersizing now!
Got a raving rabbids game as well, which has a game that you can control by sitting on the wiifit board and using your bum to move! haha! Lots of fun.
And Joe got my laptop, I think he was rather excited!
Also finally got round to developing my black and white pics from summer at disneyland :-) Luckilly I got quite a few of them come out after having dad's clunky Practika camera's back opening when it liked, which is not helpful. So two of my reels were half wiped, but I managed to get one whole reel of 36 pics which I was impressed with :-) Here's my favourite pic

Was going to go to Bristol to Phil and Ed's house for New Years, but two days before decided I would be far too ill to handle partying with the boys and coughing my lungs up over them. So I decided to opt for the Laurel and Hardy, followed by Jools Holland's Hootenanny option. With which I was treated with seeing out the year with my current love, Paolo Nutini <3>_<)
And then retired to the attic for the last night.
now to unpack....oh gahd.
Good to be back in the house though :-)
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