Today I went to my aunties house as we hadnt been for a while, and in all the chat about family, I was informed my cousin dan had a blog, which I found in an instant at home thanks to good old google. Its very entertaining, although I haven't read this much online since researching for my essay, and its making my eyes hurt, so i'll do it in chunks I think, so now I have two people to follow on here! Not bad for a month...right?
If you bother reading this Dan, thankyou for the entertainment, and get in touch soon!
Mandi XxXxX
Thank you for the plug! How's the studies going? I'd quite like to pick your brain about your course. My course kind of exhausted my love for film! Now I can only watch movies in 30 minute chunks. Terrible, really.
ReplyDeleteHaha oh man, really? The first thing they said to us on our curse is that they were about to ruin our pastime of watching films and we should leave it we wanted to continue watching films purely for pleasure :P
ReplyDeleteOur course is cool, and not so cool at times, not half as much practical work as i'd like, but when its good, its very good. For example, making majors is so much fun. We're about to start scripting our new one for May. So excited. What course did you do again? xxxx