- Glastonbury is in 24 days, wow..
- I may be on board with the guys-that-have-left's new film that they're going to do in August..:D
- 4 months of essentially no uni work!
But things I should do:
- Start reading for my dissertation (...where to begin :S)
- email my script to the script guy from college, get back into the mindset of it, decide if its worth doing anything with and finishing it..
- get some storyboards in order to make some videos for fun/practise in the summer.
- try and organise the third year to put my mind at test for the time being.
as well as trying to earn lots of money for my overdraft :P Tesco is GAY!
From this film, I've definately come to understand certain peoples working personalities and where their enthusiasm lies. So as much as I love this person as a friend, I will avoid working with him on drama's on the future.
BUT I am SO EXCITED to have the potential opportunity to work on a film with the good guys, see how they work etc, they're who I look up to, and I would love to take note on their good practice :)
Right, thought I was going home tomorrow, but one ill be bored out of my mind when I get there,
I have stuff to do here, and Benny said hes gonna pop in on Monday, and I wanna see Tobias too, so ill probs go back monday afternoon.
Sorted. Now to pray all the dvds fucking work. UGH! Write soon blogmeister X