Saturday, 29 May 2010

Summer Begins..

however I feel the summer too will too FLY by. I have some exciting prospects though,

  • Glastonbury is in 24 days, wow..
  • I may be on board with the guys-that-have-left's new film that they're going to do in August..:D
  • 4 months of essentially no uni work!
But things I should do:

  • Start reading for my dissertation (...where to begin :S)
  • email my script to the script guy from college, get back into the mindset of it, decide if its worth doing anything with and finishing it..
  • get some storyboards in order to make some videos for fun/practise in the summer.
  • try and organise the third year to put my mind at test for the time being.
as well as trying to earn lots of money for my overdraft :P Tesco is GAY!

From this film, I've definately come to understand certain peoples working personalities and where their enthusiasm lies. So as much as I love this person as a friend, I will avoid working with him on drama's on the future.

BUT I am SO EXCITED to have the potential opportunity to work on a film with the good guys, see how they work etc, they're who I look up to, and I would love to take note on their good practice :)

Right, thought I was going home tomorrow, but one ill be bored out of my mind when I get there,
I have stuff to do here, and Benny said hes gonna pop in on Monday, and I wanna see Tobias too, so ill probs go back monday afternoon.

Sorted. Now to pray all the dvds fucking work. UGH! Write soon blogmeister X

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Awake with Anticipation.

So I feel like blogging, in the last hour of this day, listening to Strobe by Deadmau5. I haven't written in a while and felt like its time to catch up.
So Its been hectic, the past few months, filming the major (loved every second), winging other less interesting assignments last minute, and now eager to get the next three weeks out of the way with relative ease, hah. If only.
I have to make a website in Flash, which is scaring the bejesus out of me currently, as I have no idea or motivation to begin.
Its also 21 days until im 21. Ironic that. Scary though, now literally nothing can stop me, I will officially be an adult, no getting around that anymore. Damn.

Other than that, I'm beginning to think about the third year, and the time after that. This time next year, I shall probably become an insomniac worrying if ill have the strength and courage to chase my dream for real, in the big mean ol' world. With people like my old house mate though, I feel I have a shot. Enthusiasm and persistence is the key, we're constantly told, putting those two into practise is another thing. The daunting reality that i'll probably be working in tesco for 80% of my life for the year 2011/12 is very depressing. I vaguely remember my gap year, and how I progressively felt more and more intellectually lacking. I feel that now as it is, and I'm in education. God. Time to change that then.

I have also made the acknowledgement that I am a bit addicted to facebook, checking it every ten minutes. This is not healthy or practical at all, so for my third year, I will be getting my password changed, and will refrain from using it until all my work is completed. and read fucking books instead. I disgust myself with how much time I waste on that bloody site. So I'm going to say fuck you to facebook for a year, and read books, make films, and watch films, and maybe blog a bit to vent...

I bet it'll be like tv, won't even miss it.

A productive day is in order tomorrow, I have had a weekend break and I feel refreshed and ready to nail the second year, I just pray ill reach the 60.

On a lighter note...apparently Britney wrote Telephone...I'm unsure whether to believe this or not. I'm slightly dissapointed, I love that song. lol.

Peace out kids, I'll be back when my summer of reading, working, and practising with a camera begins... XXX